Venue & Directions
Venue Address:

Institute of Education, London
20 Bedford Way

T: 020 7612 6000

Travel Information

Bus stops, within a 5 to 15-minute walk, are located on Euston Road, Gower Street, Tottenham Court Road, Woburn Place and Southampton Row.

The closest are on Woburn Place and Southampton Row.

Tube (underground)
Tube stations, within a 5 to 15-minute walk, include: Euston; Euston Square; Goodge Street; Russell Square; Tottenham Court Road and Warren Street.

The closest is Russell Square.

London's principal railway stations are all within a 30-minute journey, by bus or tube.

The closest is Euston.

IOE is in the London congestion charging zone.

We don't have a car park. Street parking in the neighbourhood is managed by Camden Council. Private parking is offered by National Car Parks (NCP).

There is a cycle-hire docking station on the east side of our main building, in Bedford Way. It is managed by Transport for London.

Visitors arriving on their own bikes may lock them to the perimeter railing of the concourse, on the west side of our main building.